Media accreditation for AIBA Youth World Boxing Championships in Kielce, Poland 

Media accreditation for the AIBA Youth Men’s and Women’s World Boxing Championships has started last week and will last until April 5th. 

To apply, please send the following information by email to 

  • name and surname
  • e-mail 
  • phone number
  • name of your media
  • duty position
  • photo
  • a copy of your passport/ID
  • name / surname / contacts of the editor-in-chief

The schedule of the tournament is the following: 

  • April 12 – Official Draw 
  • April 13 – Opening Ceremony
  • April13-23 – Competition Days 
  • April 21 – Rest day 
  • April 22 – Youth Women’s Finals
  • April 23 – Youth Men’s Finals, Closing ceremony 


We are looking forward to receiving your applications. 

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