David edzette már a dán Góliátot
A 212 centiméter magas dán óriás, Nikolaj Markussen a Szegedre távozott Borut Mackovsek helyére érkezett Veszprémbe.
The post David edzette már a dán Góliátot appeared first on JochaPress.
A 212 centiméter magas dán óriás, Nikolaj Markussen a Szegedre távozott Borut Mackovsek helyére érkezett Veszprémbe.
The post David edzette már a dán Góliátot appeared first on JochaPress.
He is the most decorated water polo player in the sport’s history, but he keeps his medals under his bed. He played every ball games, when he was young, and the fans are lucky that the basketball court was a bit far from him. The club season just ended in Hungary, but he already set […]