Interjú a Magyar Speciális Olimpia Szövetség új nagykövetével, Josh Cartuval.
Örömmel mutatjuk be idei új nagykövetünket, Josh Cartut, aki elkötelezte magát sportolóink elfogadtatása mellett. Alig várjuk, hogy találkozhassunk vele az eseményeinken!
Inclusion is our common matter
We are so delighted to have Josh Cartu on board as a new ambassador for SO Hungary. We can’t wait to involve him in our program. #InclusionRevolution
Bal oldal (left side): Lengyel Lajos a Magyar Speciális Olimpia Szövetség Elnöke, jobb oldal (right side): Josh Cartu, ambassador of Special Olympics Hungary
Special Olympics: What does sport mean to you? What sports do you do in addition to racing?
Josh Cartu: Sport in addition to being important for physical fitness is a great outlet for competition and provides good feelings of self confidence and self worth. I think this is especially important for athletes with special needs as it provides a sense of achievement and happiness beyond what is attainable in normal environments where they don’t have the same advantages as other people. In my case, outside auto racing, I like to do a little snowboarding and I have an electric skateboard I ride around town from time to time,
SO: What kind of message do you think the idea of the Special Olympics movement carries?
J.C.: The message I take from the Special Olympics Movement is quite large in scope. It’s the understanding and belief that everyone has a right to seek happiness and is entitled to feel the joy of competition. This broad message of uniting people of special needs through sport is a beautiful dream that has been realized (especially in Hungary) for almost 30 years.
SO: Do you think public acceptance and tolerance towards people with intellectual disabilities has improved worldwide?
J.C.: I believe that we are very far from where we need to be on this subject but the importance of showing the capabilities of people with special needs can not be understated. Every human being is entitled to some degree of dignity and respect and I believe that the Special Olympics Movement provides a perfect platform for people to win that love and respect.
SO: What is your opinion on the state of inclusion of people with disabilities in Hungary, in Europe and worldwide?
J.C.: I am moved in my own way because my first nephew (Ozias) is autistic yet he has a strong interest in sport. For me it’s important that should be excel at sport that he should have an opportunity like everyone else to compete and enjoy the feeling of competition and the thrill of winning!
Josh Cartu and Special Olympics athletes / Josh Cartu és Speciális Olimpikonok
SO: In what way do you support people with intellectual disabilities in SO Hungary?
J.C.: This year, I donated 15,000 Euro to the Special Olympics movement and I am sharing my experiences and raising awareness for this movement via my social media. I believe this to be an important cause that is quite often swept under the carpet and I would like to shine a light on it in any way that I can.
SO: Are you planning to visit any of our event this year?
J.C.: Absolutely. We are currently working on the schedule but I will be attending some events for sure.
SO: What is value/benefit of supporting Special Olympics for you?
J.C.: For me it’s important because as an uncle of an autistic child, I know first-hand the frustration and difficulties that my brother and his wife have of finding social outlets and activities for Ozias to participate in. I believe that supporting financially and raising awareness for this movement will help many kids with special needs to find excitement, joy and self worth through sport.
SO: What is the best in living in Budapest? Food? People? …
J.C.: Architecture, people, food, but on a personal note, I enjoy the huge passion the Hungarian people have for motorsport and cars. This is the center of my universe and I enjoy sharing it with my Hungarian friends!
Josh Cartu visited in Special Olympics Hungary headquarter, and met with Special Olympics athletes. They took some common pictures, and Special Olympics athletes could feel the feeling of Cartu’s cars. (photos: Gabor Werni)